Tuesday, 6 May 2014

What's in my wardrobe? Vintage H&M Parka

This is the water-colour sketch of a vintage H&M parka i have owned for at least 10 years.
Absolutely love it even now after all those years :)


  1. I love it! I wonder if I haven't seen it in some pictures you posted. I love the coat hangers too in your personal clothes. It's definitely adding to the personal touch. The drawings with the models feel as if the clothes are unattainable because they belong to those women whereas clothes on a coat hanger are almost telling you: 'here! Pick me today! Wear me!' Absolutely love it!

  2. ou est encore passé mon message ?? bon - je reconnais la pièce de musée, the old faithfull - indémodable comme le trench de Boggart ou de Colombo, dommage qu'ils n'en fabriquent plus, à relancer ???
